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Monday, August 6, 2012

Hello blogger!

This is my introduction post to let you in on a little bit of my life. My name is Lauren and I am a fitness dedicated foodie. After scrolling through fitness blog after fitness blog and posting a countless number of pictures of my meals on instagram, I have decided to start my own fitness and food blog!

First off: I. Love. Food. So much. I love eating, cooking, baking, going out to eat, finding new restaurants, trying new foods, making up recipes. If it involves food...I'm in. After gaining weight and having some stomach problems last year, I decided to make a change and take charge of my life. So, I started off with a fitness regimen consisting of cardio and pilates. However, as far as my diet went, I was stuck eating bland salads day-after-day and was not satisfied. This resulted in me binging on everything my body was craving. After doing quite a lot of research on various blogs, I have now maintained a healthy balance of clean (but delicious!) eating and an anything-but-boring fitness routine. Leading a healthy life has so many benefits. I have more energy, more motivation, and a better self image.

I have many goals to reach as far as my fitness goes. I want to continue to build muscle and trim down body fat. I want to be able to run a 5k and hold advanced yoga poses for minutes on end. There's so many things! But this blog isn't about those goals or my personal progress.

This blog will contain healthy recipes, snack ideas, weight loss ideas, and workouts. Even if one person finds this blog helpful towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle of their own, I will be a very happy lady!


Unknown said...

Its a very informative side for all who are intrusted to maintain their health.

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Unknown said...

It is a good thing to find out that there is still a way to enjoy sweet foods while keeping oneself fit. But this will certainly work with a trainer in the gym together with a good fitness training.

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